Aug 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Kehoe

Local watch dogs lack the tools to stay in front of planning. We have terrible issues here in Waltham related to development. So many ill-considered moves and decisions made that we find out long after it's too late to intervene.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Kehoe

Thank you Jeff. I have reached out to a number of local and state leaders. I was concerned regarding the special election timing as far as the open polls. Voting should be accessible to the full community. I’m hoping that legislation will be cosponsored shortly and will be filed in the House to require that special elections related to vocational technical schools occur from 7 AM to 8 PM as with state elections and most local elections. The election for this project took place in January 2022, and it had voting hours from 11 AM to 6 PM. The current requirement of 4-8 consecutive hours that’s in a state statute does not provide adequate access to the ballot for all voters. One of our state leaders has been in touch with our WAKEFIELD, town clerk, and the Melrose city clerk, to confirm that they are comfortable with the proposed voting time expansion, and they seem to be both supportive. I don’t know how the state can allow a statute that cuts back on taxpayers available time for open polling places. It seems that outdated state statutes allow voting hours for special elections related to vocational technical schools to be treated differently. Leaders that are elected, and those that are paid at the vocational school took advantage of this loophole.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Kehoe

Thank you Jeff! Yes, most of the people pushing back on this are not "tree huggers." This project would be a hard sell if it were the cheapest option- and it's the most expensive one!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Jeff Kehoe

Another great article. Thank you.

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